Welcome to Alice's World

The purpose of this blogsite is to bring glory to my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. There will be many different topics discussed, so hopefully you will enjoy your visit with me. Some of the topics may be very controversial, while others may be the normal stuff everybody already knows a little about. Because I am a Christian as well as an herbal enthusiast and also grow and am always learning about organic gardening and heirloom seeds and plants, I believe in going to what I believe to be the "book of books," meaning the Authorized King James Version of 1611 Bible, for most of the things discussed here. The things mentioned will be involving these topics. Of course, from time to time you may see pictures of my family (my grown children and my grandchildren as well as my other half, i.e.HUSBAND), but for now I would just like to say THANKS for joining me!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Food: The Makers' Source of Life

This article is taken from the booklet entitled Food, Fasting and Faith written by Evangelist Lester Roloff. I thought it would be a good time to write this on my blog due to all the food everyone has been ingesting during these past few weeks.

I am convinced that four things are killing the American people~too much food, bad food, wrong combinations of food, and anxiety and worry which stem from an absence of faith and trust and wisdom that comes from God.
Daniel purposed in his heart not to defile himself, first of all, by eating the wrong thing and then by drinking. Daniel 1:8
The wise man said in Proverbs 23:21, "For the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty." In that verse, he yoked the glutton~the man who eats too much~with the drunkard.

The Psalmist said that man is wonderfully and fearfully made. Man has never made a machine with a motor that would run 969 years like the heart of Methuselah. The human body is the only machine that will repair itself if given the proper cooperation. Man is not a mechanical machine, but a living organism and has innate wisdom that no other part of God's creation has been able to exercise.
The birds and chickens and other fowl change from summer to winter clothes without having to go shopping. The ducks and geese have a built-in radar that guides them safely to the South to spend the winter. The dog becomes his own doctor as he puts himself on a fast except for maybe some green grass and licks his bleeding wounds with the healing salve that comes through his tongue. A dog's tongue is a very valuable member of his body, not only to be used to bark with, to taste with, to eat with, but it's his first-aid kit and also his air-conditioner. When you see a dog panting, he has his air-conditioner going, apart from which he would smother to death.

Physically, you can only be what you eat or at least what you assimilate and use of that which goes into your body. Doesn't it seem strange to you that the average parent knows more about the physical needs of the chicken in the pen, the hog in the lot, or the dog in the house than he does the needs of his own children? The average man knows more about the needs of his automobile than he does about the physical needs of his own child. America is the sickest nation she has ever been with heart trouble, cancer, leukemia, poliomylitis, hepatitis, nervous disorders, and mental maladies. I believe much of it can be laid at the door of improper diet.

In the first place, who started the three meals a day? Most people feel that they are religiously bound to eat three squares a day, with coffee breaks and all sorts of supplements in between. God only fed Elijah twice a day and it probably wasn't too much of a ration because it was brought by a raven which of course couldn't have had too big a baggage department. And yet, Elijah was a specimen of tremendous physical health who could outrun the king's horses.

Find out what your body needs and then in spite of the cost and criticism, stay with it to live longer and stronger. All of us are victims of a depraved appetite. We were born with that. That's the reason a baby will eat dirt, trash, roaches, pins, tacks~and sometimes the reason a baby does that is because he is craving something that he is not getting that his little body needs.
For thirty-five years, I lived (or rather died) on potatoes, meat, gravy, and refined sweets, my main excuse being~"I don't like it." Therefore, I turned down the fresh lettuce, the green beans, the english peas, and many other delightful and healthful things that came straight out of our garden. As a result, I was the sickest boy of the three in our family and baffled the doctors and was treated for everything except the right thing, namely, an improper diet.

Now don't get the idea in the first few sentences of this book that I am suggesting that you starve yourself to death or go on some unhappy diet. No sir, I'm enjoying eating now more than I ever have before, even though the last ten days, as I write this book, I have eaten only one cooked meal. But, it doesn't mean that I haven't enjoyed eating figs, dates, raisins, almonds, pecans, honey, apples, grapes, grapefruit, oranges, cashew butter, almond butter, and feel fine and my weight is practically the same. If you have a normal body, you will have no weight problem if you'll eat right.

Let us return to the simple things like God gives them. Even though we are all aware of the fact that man has poisoned the water system, the ground, and polluted the air, I still believe in spite of the terrible conditions upon us that with the right effort, man can have a large measure of health. The food situation is sort of like the Gospel. It's been decorated, advertised, and glamorized, but at the same time, it's been refined and de-lifed. It looks good, tastes good, and lasts longer without spoiling and the American people are sort of like the little bird when the mamma bird comes home~he just throws his mouth wide open and aparently it doesn't make any difference whether a beetle or a bumblebee goes down his throat.

The cookstove is the murderer in your house and after our foods are poisoned, killed, cooked, fried, baked, boiled, stewed, mashed, hashed, and seasoned, we don't get much of the original good that was in them when they were harvested. it would be a wonderful start for you to take one day a week just to fast and if necessary, drink a little unsweetened fruit juice or eat a piece of fruit. The body is about ninety per-cent liquid and therefore out to have a lot of liquids, but liquids of the right kind.

The average American eats meat for breakfast, dinner, and supper. When you think of breakfast, ordinarily one thinks of bacon, eggs, toast, jelly, and coffee, or either a sweet roll and coffee. Now then you say, "Well, what am I going to do if I don't eat meat three times a day?" Well, just remember that egg yolks, cottage cheese (especially when it is home-made), avocados, nuts, and the right kind of cheese are very good meat substitutes.

Now, if I haven't lost my readers, in just a moment, I want to give you some practical suggestions about what you can eat. But in order to allay your fears that you'll starve to death or become too weak to work, let me remind you that I can run a mile right now without stopping at an age of nearly forty-six. Now, if you want to be healthy, don't be a pincushion for a hypodermic needle. Don't let your system stay saturated with chemicals that are foreign to the human body. Eat natural foods and use natural means for healing in case you become sick, such as fasting, the Word of God and prayer, and whatever liquids are necessary to cleanse your system.

For meat, eat fish, fowl, wild game, avocado, egg yolks, nuts, cheese, and cottage cheese, sunflower seeds, and a minimum of other meats. Drink a lot of juices~always unsweetened~forty-five minutes to an hour before the meal, or a couple of hours after the meal. Everyone ought to have a vegetable juicer. You say, "that's too much money." And yet, how much does one trip to the hospital cost when you have illness in your family.

Now let me bear a personal testimony about how I begin my day with a great big juicy verse or a chapter of the Word of God and then, before reading a number of chapters and entering into a season of prayer, I usually drink a big glass of grapefruit juice. If I cannot get grapefruit, a big glass of lime or lemon water and if no juice is available, I will drink a big glass of water. However, I usually see that juice is available. In my plane or car, I carry an icebox with all arrangements made for fruits and juices.
For breakfast, sometimes I will have chopped dates, figs, raisins, a banana, a piece of whole wheat toast or other good whole grain bread and honey, along with some nuts or sunflower seed sprinkled over the fruit. Or, I may have a bowl of steel cut oats or whole grain cereal or other health food cereal that still has the life in it.   Many times, in grape season, I have grapes, pears, apples, or fresh peaches, with nuts. Or, I may have dried apples or apricots that have been properly soaked, mixed with some cashew butter or almond butter and honey, with nuts and various seeds, which make a delicious breakfast. And occasionally, if I eat an egg or maybe two or three eggs, I eat the yolks steamed slowly in butter in a covered pan or either poached, with toast and honey, or with toast and Fig Pep, which is a product made from black mission figs. Or during fruit season, I may have a cantalope or a watermelon. Sometimes I put a little cream over my cereal and over the dates, figs, and raisins or preferably goat milk. Raw milk, of course, is better because it still has the culture and the life.

It would be well if you had the opportunity and the place to keep a good milk goat and a cow and your own chickens and feed them properly in order to have the right kind of food. Also, it would be wonderful if you had a little garden spot and would organically grow, without commercial fertilizers and poisons, your own vegetables and some of your fruits.

The television set has done plenty to damage the health of the people as they sit hour after hour and especially has it damaged the health of the little children because instead of playing in the back yard or on the soft ball lot, they are sitting around watching television and many times in positions that are not good for developing the body. Excuse me for this, but I thought of it and I might as well say it~the Lord gave us one seat and two feet, therefore, He must intend for us to walk and stand more than He does for us to sit.

Now, let me summarize the thing that I've been trying to say~eat natural foods as much as possible, don't over-eat, stay away from things that may not be particularly harmful or kill you right away, but simply do not have any contribution to make to your over-all health picture. Paul says there are some things that may not be the sin, but they are weights and he suggested we lay them aside. And most people are trying to run the race of life weighted down with too much luggage.


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Faith--The Key to God's Smokehouse

This is an article taken from a little booklet entitled Food, Fasting, and Faith written by whom I have esteemed in the past as one of the greatest preachers that has lived in our time, Evangelist Lestor Roloff. He was a man full of faith, also he was an humble man. He provided the basis for a great spiritual growth spurt in my life when I was in my late twenties. Brother Lestor Roloff has been with the Lord now for many years, but his preaching still remains...

Four times--in Habakkuk, Romans, Galatians, and Hebrews, we are told that "Now the just shall live by faith." Please read Hebrews 10:32 - 12:4 for this is the Pike's Peak of the book. As I sit here and write this chapter, it looks to me like every door is closing and this is the most unusual experience in my twenty-six years of preaching and yet, inside there is a calm and a peace and an assurance and my confidence in Jesus grows stronger every day. His grace is sufficient to lead me in His way. Therefore, I cannot live under the circumstances or on what it looks like or seems like. That song keeps coming to me even in this trying time and testing time~"The thing that you have prayed for is on its way and paid for." Oh, may God bless this chapter to my own soul as well as yours for the sake of the cause and the many ministries God has given us.

Faith lives in the high tower. Paul said to the Ephesian Church, "Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked." That old four star general who could prove his faith by his scars said, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith." Faith was his crowning virtue. Even though he lost his head, he kept his faith.
In the first place, let me say that faith is not wishing, wanting, trying, hoping, striving, or even waiting. Most of these are enemies of real Bible faith. Let me give you some thirty things that came to me this afternoon concerning faith.
  1. Faith is real. It is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Spiritual substance is the evidence of the only things that are real.
  2. Faith is a gift. Romans 12:3, "As God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith." Ephesians 2, "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast."
  3. Faith is the life of Christ. Galatians 2:20, "The life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me." Philippians 3:9, "And be found in Him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith." Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Romans 3:22, "Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all thm that believe."
  4. Faith is the rope tied to the bucket of reality, dipping itself into the fullness of God.
  5. Faith is stepping when there is no place to step, like Moses at the Red Sea when commanded of the Lord to go forward. Like the colored man who was chided because of his great faith in God and someone said, "I guess if God told you to jump through that brick wall, you'd jump." He said, "Yes sir; it's my responsibility to jump and God's to make a hole in the wall."
  6. Faith is victory. "This is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith."
  7. Faith is living the overcoming life.
  8. Faith is more forceful than fire. Jesus became the fourth man in the fire for the Hebrew children and they came out without the smell of smoke.
  9. Faith is the key to the lion's jaws. It delivered Daniel without a scratch.
  10. Faith is the power that destroyed the walls of Jericho.
  11. Faith is the road to the city not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. Abraham must have become the laughing stock of his neighbors and friends and business associates and yet, faith justified him as we see Lazarus in Abraham's bosom. He certainly had found that city.
  12. Faith became deliverance for the millions of Israelites without a shot being fired and with only one casualty, and that cost Moses a sentence of forty years in the wilderness. You know, faith never uses force or the flesh or pressure~it works altogether by spiritual laws and principles. That's the reason it is so despised and misunderstood by the world. Faith scarcely makes the headlines with man, but it makes the Who's Who of heaven.
  13. Faith is seeing the unseen~the invisible. Moses, by faith, saw Him who is invisible. It looks like everything is in the very grip of the picture show hour and the seeing time now. The thing that got Eve~when she SAW. The thing that precipitated the flood~when the sons of God SAW. The thing that wrecked Acham~when he SAW, lusted, and took. The thing that knocked David from the pinnacle of power~when he SAW Bathsheba. The thing that brought about a broken-hearted Moses~when the people cried to Aaron for a god they could SEE. Oh, how could so much junk crawl up in our homes and churches to blind the eye of faith and dishonor God.
  14. Faith is endurance. "He endured as seeing Him who is invisible."
  15. Faith is the opposite of fear. The parents of Moses were not afraid because they had faith, Hebrews 11:23.
  16. Faith is pleasing God. "Without faith, it is impossible to please Him." "He that cometh to God must believe that He is." "Now faith is." Faith makes Jesus current with your problems. Faith makes Him a today's Saviour and Helper.
  17. Faith is Bible living. "The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach," Romans 10:8.
  18. Faith is salvation. "By grace are ye saved through faith."
  19. Faith is the Christian's keeping power. "Who are kept through  the power of God through faith."
  20. Faith is the hand and arm that is reaching after the garment of God for certain healing. The woman for twelve years had exhausted money, strength, and every hope and yet, when by faith she touched Him, she felt that she was made whole and she was and even though she had an element of fear, she was still made whole and Jesus commended her.
  21. Faith is man's extremity and God's opportunity. Faith works better when the last straw of human help has been exhausted. When Jacob was shut up to faith at Jabbok, he came out with the victory.
  22. Faith is life's extension cord. Hezekiah prayed after the undertaker had knocked on the door and God gave him fifteen more years.
  23. Faith is the authority of God. The centurion cried out, "Speak the word only and he shall be healed"
  24. Faith is the mixture that makes the Gospel effective, Hebrews 4:2.
  25. Faith is the storm-stopper. Jesus said, "Peace, be still," and the waves laid down like obedient dogs. After fourteen days of abstinence, Paul stood on the wind and rain swept deck and said it would be all right, "For I believe God."
  26. Faith is man resting and God working.
  27. Faith is receiving. Mark 11:24.
  28. Faith is giving all. The little boy who came to hear Jesus and brought his lunch of five loaves and two fishes~I don't believe he would have given his whole lunch away or maybe any of it before he heard Jesus, but after he heard the Saviour speak, he gladly offered it all. And that's Scriptural~faith somes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
  29. Faith is God in action on the battlefield winning every battle and making real what Christ made possible.
  30. Faith is complete surrender demonstrated by Jesus on the cross, denied by Peter, forsaken by His own, betrayed by Judas, with heaven's gates closed in His face, with the angels silent, his telephone line to the Father's house clipped, deserted by the Spirit, and yet, he said, "It is finished, Father, into thy hands I commend My spirit."

December Newsletter


December, 2010
He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herbs for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth...


From The Herb Patch

Seen any of these lately? Usually this time of year they are everywhere growing and shooting out their greens and sometimes you will see it flower. Most people esteem this herb as a common weed and usually spend a lot of money trying to get rid of it. There are actually pesticides for lawns devoted particularly to getting rid of the dandelion. If I’m not too late, I intend to get outside and cut some of the leaves for drying and also dig up the whole plant for drying. You say, “Why would I go through all the trouble to dig up this weed?”

Fact:  the dandelion is a perennial herb which is native to Europe and Asia, and occurs widely in temperate regions of the world, often found in nitrogen-rich soils. The parts used are leaves and flowers fresh for culinary use or dried for medicinal preparations; the roots are dried for medicinal purposes.
It is one of the best blood purifiers and builders available. It is high in vitamins and minerals, especially calcium. It restores and balances the blood so that anemia caused by deficiencies disappears. This is the herb for improving low blood pressure, and it helps build energy and endurance. It is also one of the best liver cleansers and is therefore great for skin diseases. It is taken internally for urinary infections and considered beneficial for rheumatic complaints and gout. Also said to improve appetite and digestion and of great benefit nutritionally, as it is high in vitamins A and C and a rich source of iron, magnesium, potassium and calcium.
Young leaves of dandelions are added to salads, often blanched first to reduce bitterness, or cooked, like spinach, as a vegetable. The roasted root makes a palatable, soothing, caffeine-free substitute for coffee.
As I am sitting here writing about this herb, I am actually kicking myself around the block because I have so many dandelions around me and have allowed other things to keep me from harvesting and drying these vitamin packed herbs. I am actually angry with myself for not realizing how important this one herb is to me, especially since I am always trying to find ways to boost my calcium and magnesium intake as well as iron intake. I had seriously planned to gather dandelion roots and greens to dry and make a tincture out of them so that I will have a potent medicine available. Hopefully, I am not too late. So, what are you waiting for?
Get out there and get those dandelions! ☺

The Incredible Edible Wild Onion
Onions have been held in high esteem throughout recorded history and used in nearly every cuisine around the globe. They are one of the oldest known vegetables, probably among the first cultivated crops, are easy to grow, do well in a wide range of soils and climates, are less perishable than many other vegetables, and grow wild in many regions of the world. It is this wild onion on which I would like to focus. Just look around in your yard and just about everywhere you will see the tiny green “pencil-thin leaves of the wild onion. Many years ago as a child my brothers, cousins, and I would feast on wild onions out in our country yard. Yes, we would come in the house smelling like a goat! It was funny because we used to laugh about this. But even though I tried to get away from these “wild herbs”, I eventually found myself once again cutting wild onions in my yard and using them in some of my recipes. Most people see them as just weeds that need to be cut down and in the springtime they are usually the first green that signals the mowing of the lawn. Now, I try my best to shield and protect these delicacies, because you see I believe they are God’s way of adding free pungent aroma and taste to our food and they also provide many valuable nutrients. Wild onions seem to me to be much stronger than normal onion and garlic chives that I have grown in the past. They grow generously in most areas. Yes, I go out into my yard and cut these onions with scissors, bring them inside and either further cut them up in small pieces and pop them in a freezer bag and place them in the freezer, or they might go in a quiche (an egg dish) that I am cooking at the time. They are wonderful chopped up in soups. They keep very well if you just pull out a freezer bag and take a few out to cook with and then put them back in the freezer before they thaw. You wonder how I can eat something that the dog may have “peed” on. Well, first of all, I don’t think my dog can pee on all of the onions I see growing wild in my yard and secondly, I usually wash them before I cut and use them for eating or freezing. I always wonder why the people who ask that question if they have ever considered where their onions have come from that they purchase at a supermarket. Most of them come from China or Mexico and God only knows what has happened to them while being cultivated or in transit to market. So, I take my chances on fresh freebies. If freezing, be sure to dry them first with paper towels to get the excess water off.
My favorite recipe using wild onions: (My husband really likes this)

Crustless Quiche

                              4 eggs, beaten                                            
2/3 cup wild onions, chopped
                 2/3 cup mayonnaise                                 
 1 cup turkey ham, chopped
                       1 cup milk                                                  
4 tablespoons flour (wheat)
              16 ounces grated Swiss or Cheddar cheese           
       1/4 cup chopped green or red pepper (optional)
Mix all ingredients and place in greased 9 x 13” pan. Bake at 350ยบ for 45 minutes.
You can add other ingredients if you like. Sometimes I put leftover green beans or asparagus in my casserole. There are many options that can be interchanged in this recipe.
Note: This may be frozen and reheated.

Children's Immunity Plus

As I stated last month, last year I decided to try and make a natural immune tincture for my grandchildren.  I studied Dr. Schultz’s information on his children’s immune formula as well as reading behind those who had created their own medicine.  After much research, I formulated what I call Children’s Immunity Plus, which contains echinacea, wild cherry bark, dried lemon peel, elderberry extract, and anise seed in a base of vegetable glycerin and maple syrup for a great tasting children’s immune formula. I am sorry that I do not have a picture at this time, but I am working on changing my labels for the herbal remedies I am making. I am finding that I need to increase the dosage for this formula, so don’t hesitate to do so. This is a great tincture for small children and elderly people who can’t take the stronger Super Immune Tonic.  

Coming up next:

Me Me’s Super Blast (a combination of echinacea, garlic, cayenne and peppermint oil especially formulated for throat and tonsil). So stay tuned for this. Also, I am going to be looking into making an arthritis joint cream using similar ingredients that Dr. Schultz uses in his Deep Tissue formula which contains wintergreen and arnica flower. I have tried this and it is wonderful for arthritis joint pain.
Yes, the Lord willing, there will be more. I am sick and tired of being at the mercy of other companies who have very little herbs in their products and/or they are very costly.


 4 OUNCE TINCTURE BOTTLE (TRIAL SIZE)                    $10.00

                      TINCTURE BOTTLE                                    $32.00

                      4 OUNCE TINCTURE BOTTLE                    $10.00
 ME ME’S BUTT SALVE            
                     4 OUNCE TIN                                              $12.00

(I AM WORKING ON A LOW COST WAY OF GETTING THIS PRODUCT TO MY CUSTOMERS AND WOULD GLADLY ACCEPT ANY ADVICE CONCERNING THIS AS WELL AS FEEDBACK ON THE PRODUCTS I AM SELLING) So far I am coming up with adding about $2.00 to the regular cost to keep my cost of shipping down. It generally cost from $3-$4 to mail something, depending on where it is going.


Phone:  434-454-7075 (leave message)

Visit my blogspot at www.avisitwithalice.blogspot.com

n case your skin hits a rough patch while covered up in sweaters, and boots, don’t fret! Here are a few simple body scrubs and soaks to help slough off dry, scaly skin.

  1. Before a bath or shower, massage a small amount of natural oil into your skin.
  2. Once in the shower or bath, rub some baking soda on the oiled areas to gently exfoliate. Don’t over do it; 30 seconds is plenty.
  3. After bathing, pat your skin dry and massage in a rich body cream or natural oil, such as olive oil. For best results, try this treatment at night before going to sleep.

Rough, dry elbows can make arms seem a little worse for wear, and may even feel uncomfortable. This gentle exofoliating cream gets those joints looking their best. It also works well for removing rough, dry skin from knees and feet.

2 Tbls. coconut oil
1 tsp. vitamin E oil
2 Tbls. ground oatmeal

Mix together all ingredients and stir well. Spoon into a clean container.
To use: Rub a small amount into your elbows and leave on for 15 minutes. Tissue off and massage more coconut oil or your favorite cream into skin.
 Yield:  2 ounces.

We often forget to take care of our knees, which makes them another classic spot for rough skin. Keep them
polished and soft with this body scrub that features honey, a natural skin softener.

1 Tbls finely ground almonds
1 Tbls olive oil
2 Tbls pure honey

For a soothing and skin softening soak for your feet, try vinegar. Add one cup of apple cider or white vinegar to a basin of warm water (1-2 gallons) and let your feet soak for 15 to 20 minutes. Scrub with a brush or loofah sponge to remove any dead skin and pat dry. Follow up with a light natural oil.

Until next time.....

☺Happy New Year!!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Many Women But Few Ladies


Deuteronomy 22:5 says, "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God."

Laws that are moral in nature are just as binding upon the Christian in the New Testament as they were upon the Jew in the Old Testament. Note that the rule about women wearing men's clothing is a moral matter. Those who wear clothes which properly belong to the opposite sex are called "abomination unto the Lord thy God."

God established the sexes, God made man and God made woman. God put in them certain instinctive differences as well as physical differences. God intended that those differences should be maintained. Those who seek to erase those differences seek to pervert the plan of God. The wearing of proper clothing indicative of one's sex is a moral matter.

I Timothy 2:9 says in part, "In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel." We refer to the general immodesty of the pants that most women wear. Usually these pants are so tight-fitting that there is no "slack" in them. Most of them are form-fitting and revealing. They are not modest apparel.

Some women who wear pants say that they are so much more confortable for travel or for sports or whatever. They may have a point, but Christian women should be more concerned about obedience to the Bible than about comfort. Besides that, there are other garments which are definitely feminine which women can wear to take part in certain activities and still be feminine and still be modest.

It would be wise for mothers to set an example and then begin early to teach their daughters modesty in dress. Don't let the world set your standards. The jeans, slacks, and pant suits that seem to be so popular with unsaved, worldly people in our time are not modest, feminine attire by Bible standards. Girls who wear clothes that are recognized as mannish do not honor God. Instead, they "are abomination unto the Lord thy God." They put themselves into the same category as men who want to wear dresses and wigs and make-up so as to look like women. Read what the Apostle Paul was inspired to write about such people in I Corinthians 6:9 and 10. Girls, be happy that you are a girl and that God made you as you are. Then honor the Lord by the way you dress. Wear modest skirts and dresses and leave the men's clothing to men.


Any hemline above the knees is...IN THE EYES OF SOCIETY--perfectly alright! Wear just about anything you like, as short as you like.
However, did you ever stop to wonder what God thinks about what you wear?
First of all let me assure you that the purpose of these words is not to offend you, but rather to offer logical and Scriptural information that you vitally need!

As soon as the hemlines started coming up, morals plunged downward. Forcible rape and sex crimes soared upward, so that the fashion world is taking us all for a wild ride on a merry-go-round of "anything goes!"

In Isaiah 47:2,3, the uncovering of "the thigh" is shown to be "nakedness" and "shame". The dictionary defines the thigh as, "the part of the body between the knee and the hip". When a woman wears a dress that comes above the knees, she exposes her thighs and also her "nakedness and shame."

Even the purpose behind the design of the modern miniskirt was to generate sexual desire from the male populace. Mary Quant, "The mother of the mini-skirt," has been quoted as saying: "Mini-clothes are symbolic of those girls who don't want to wait until after dark to seduce men..." Based on this statement, it would seem that, unless a woman had this seductive purpose in mind, she wouldn't wear such apparel.

*Information taken from Elzinga Tract and Bible Ministry

When There's No Time for Your Marriage

Sharing his frustration with our men's group, Tim grumbled: "I don't always get home early enough to spend time with the kids in the evening. During the late afternoon, my boss will ask me about a project or give me something to do that keeps me at the office later than I want to be."

For decades, working moms have complained about the difficulty of balancing work and family life. Recent surveys indicate that working fathers are now voicing the same concern. Because of the demands of their jobs, many men are having trouble finding the time to play and talk with their kids, to help them with their homework, and to do all the things they believe a great dad does. Unfortunately, according to James A Levine, author of Working Fathers, many dads have opted to find time for their children by taking it away from their wives.

Neglecting your spouse is not just bad for your marriage; it's also troubling for your children. Kids hurt when their parents' marriage suffers, and they often bear the brunt of any ill feelings their parents have toward one another. And when they detect trouble between their parents, children feel insecure. Many children head to school in the morning anxiously wondering if their parents will still be together when they return home in the evening.

When a child senses Mom and Dad are drifting apart, he may act out in ways that bring his parents together by making them focus on his problem. Any number of problems may occur: misbehaving at school, bed wetting, neglecting homework, even using drugs. Counselors often treat children's problems by helping their parents deal with marital issues. Whatever you do to balance the demands of being a parent with being employed, don't do it at the expense of your marriage.

*This article was written by Charlies Sell, HomeLife Magazine

Home-based Education

This past fall, as moms and dads around the country were getting backpacks stuffed with pencils and notebooks and scissors and glue, ready for their children to take to school, a rapidly increasing number of families were sending their children...nowhere.
Instead, more and more parents were opting to educate their children at home. In fact, statistics show the number of homeschooled students in the U.S. has nearly doubled over the past 10 years, making learning at home the fastest growing form of education in the country.

Homeschooling grew from 1.7% of the school age population in 1999 to 2.9% in 2007, a 74% relative increase over 8 years," states Dr. Brian D. Ray of the National Home Education Research Institute. And according to a NHERI fact sheet, those percentages have continued to climb. NHERI estimates the homeschooling movement has been growing at 5-12 percent per annum over the past several years, a quicker clip than private schools are growing, while public schools are seeing their percentages decline.

The total number of students now forgoing school buses for learning at home is best estimated in the neighborhood of 1.9 million - 2.5 million children.
"The increasing popularity of homeschooling should not come as a surprise," claims a statement from The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, a popular periodical for home educators. "Parent-led, home-based education is now bordering on 'mainstream' in the United States."
The claims are backed up by statistics from the U.S. Department of Education.

According to reports from the National Center for Education Statistics, nearly three-quarters of all students between the ages of 5 and 17 were in public schools in 1999, but that number has dropped to 70.6% by 2007.
Where did those students go? 
Private schools, according to the data, saw about a 14% hike in attendance, while the homeschooling numbers jumped over 70%. Other statistics over the same time period show even bigger increases in homeschooling rates among Hispanic families (91%), two-parent households (97%), children of college graduates (87%), and households making more than $75,000 per year (338%).

The numbers also show an increase in families choosing to homeschool their children through high school, rather than simply during the elementary years. "Homeschooling high school is no longer uncharted territory," explains the Homeschool Legal Defense Association. "There are a multitude of homeschooled graduates who are bearing fruit in the workplace, in the military, in their families, and in colleges across the country."

Gena Suarez, publisher of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, said in a statement that she is not at all surprised by the increased popularity of
homeschooling:  "During the past 30 years, homeschooling families have proven that parents can do a better job than the public school - socially and academically. Homeschooling works; everybody wins."

*Information taken from The Baptist Banner

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Oh!......Christmas Tree!!!!

Hear ye the word which the Lord speaketh unto you, O house of Israel:  Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain:  for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.  They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it moveth not.
Jeremiah 10:1-4

The headline in my King James Bible for this chapter reads "The True God and Idolatry". Now what do you think of that? I did not write that, neither is it just a figment of my imagination, neither is the Bible I read published by some off the wall company that would misrepresent these scriptures. It doesn't take a smart person to read these verses and realize that there is only one thing that Jeremiah could be talking about here.

Years ago, when we first started reading behind a Christian by the name of Jack Chick who has a ministry promoting soul winning cartoon tracts and a lot of information concerning the Catholic Church and their pagan practices, we came across these same verses that he used to expose the pagan tradition of "the Christmas tree".  At that time I was totally surprised that the information he gave concerning this practice all led to idolatry.  He also tied this in to Baal worship.  Then, a little later my family and I started reading behind Dr. Peter S. Ruckman who had the same views.  After finally going to Pensacola and getting involved with the church and work at Bible Baptist Church, the preachers there enforced these very same views on what they esteemed as an idolatrous practice. It was at this time that we realized that this is indeed a pagan practice.

Ever wonder why almost everyone puts up a Christmas tree even though they aren't even Christians and why it usually involves Santa Claus?  It is all tied together!  And what about all the unchristian songs out there, such as "Rocking Around the Christmas Tree" and "I Saw Mama Kissing Santa Claus" which includes the tree.  There are many oohs and ahhs when people talk about this decked out tree. The biggest warning of all should be that just about everyone, no matter what religion, has a Christmas tree.  To tell someone you don't have a tree is to be looked upon as an outcast. Christians have even come up with a reason to have this tree and have written poems, etc. about what the Christmas tree represents trying to tie it in to Christianity. 

I know how hard it is to not have this tradition. There was a time when I truly enjoyed getting a live tree (Oh it smells so good) and we brought it into our house, put it in a "tree stand" if we had one and then commenced to put decorations on it.  When I first learned about this being pagan, I started to quit putting gold and silver on it and thought maybe this would be okay, but after a while we realized this would not do.  It had to go!  So, the question is....Who will you serve, God or Mammon?  It's really bad when the children become the guiding force in our homes as to whether or not we will practice a true "heathen practice". The sad truth in these last days is that even though a Christian realizes the implications of these scriptures and also knows the truth, they really don't care whether God said not to do this or not, they just want to enjoy their holiday and supposedly not  "cheat" their children out of having a "happy" childhood.

Psalm 37:3-5
3) Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.
4) Delight thyself also in the Lord, and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
5) Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.

Psalm 91:14-15
14) Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.
15) He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.

II Timothy 2:4
No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

I John 5:21
Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Use It Up, Wear It Out, Make It Do, Or Do Without!

An excerpt from Countryside Magazine in which I consider one of the best magazines published.

This old adage is as applicable now as it was for past generations—maybe it’s time we consider what it means for us now.

Somewhere, someone’s great-grandmother must have come up with this little ditty which was a tenet of the beliefs of our pioneering ancestors, and was rolled out again, through need, during the Great Depression. Now it might just be time to bring it out and dust it off for a new generation. Really, what’s so wrong about the values this saying represents?

Use it up...
I don’t understand why people wouldn’t do this. Is this not just plain common sense? If you’re going to buy something, use it up! “Waste not, want not” is another way of putting it, and there is so much waste in our society. Everything from the last scraping of peanut butter, to the last squeeze of toothpaste. This is what I am trying to teach my boys, who insist that a tube of toothpaste is “done” when you can’t squeeze from the middle to get any more out of the tube. Typically, you can get several more brushings from a tube at this point, with a little effort by squeezing from the bottom.
Some things you should make sure you use up:
  • Toiletries:  Toothpaste, shampoo, soap, deodorant, etc. All of these should be used until there is no more left. Sending partial bottles of products to the landfill is not only wasteful, it’s expensive!
  • Condiments:  Leaving the scrapings in a jar of peanut butter or mayonnaise might prove to be two or three servings. Buy yourself a rubber spatula if you don’t already have one, and use it. Turn that bottle of ketchup upside down and let what is on the sides drain down.
  • Spices:  Spices are expensive, but well worth their cost in what they do for your meals. Don’t waste them. If you buy your spices in bulk or in plastic bags, take them home and put them into recycled jars with tight-fitting lids. Store them out of direct light, and use them. Spices lose their potency over time, so use them up.
  • Cleaning products:  Make sure you use all of the product before chucking the container. If you use liquid laundry detergent, tip the jug upside down over a cup after what you think might be the “last” use.

...Wear it out...
So, maybe it’s not this spring’s fashion, just what is wrong with last year’s jeans, or a sweater from three years ago? Our society, as a whole, has developed a horror of using things until they are absolutely, completely worn out. For our ancestors, that was just stage one. When items were too worn out for their original purpose, they were often given new life as something else. For instance, flour bags (the cloth bags that flour was purchased in) made many a new appearance as a skirt or dress for a girl, or as shirts for boys and men, quilts, curtains and towels.

Some things you should wear out:
·        Clothing:  Children’s clothing is often outgrown before it’s worn out. If you have no other children to hold “hand me downs” for, why not arrange a children’s clothing exchange in your community? People bring what they have, take what they need, and what is left goes to a local charity or women’s shelter.
·        Small appliances:  Why do you need a new toaster? Curling Iron? Hair dryer? Unless these things die, is it really necessary to replace them as often as some people do?
·        Household decor:  It’s not necessary to change furniture every five years. It’s certainly not necessary to redecorate every two or three. Buy the best quality furnishings you can afford, decorate simply, and wear it out before you send it to the landfill.
·        Vehicles:  The average new vehicle will only be in the original purchasers name for about two years. Two years. There is nothing wrong with driving a five, six, or 10-year-old car. Maintain your vehicles and make them last. The best way to make a vehicle cost the least over time is to own it for a while, and not just lose money in depreciation before replacing it with another, brand new model.

...Make it do...
In my grandmother’s day, household items served multiple purposes. A pot on the stove might be boiling water for tea (or laundry) right now, but at dinner-time, would be full of soup or stew. Grandmother’s apron protected her dress (probably one of two or three she owned), but it also served as a pot cloth, for protecting her hands from hot pots, a duster to wipe down the sideboard as she passed, a sling to carry baby or an orphaned lamb, or to bring in potatoes and vegetables from the garden.
Grandpa’s “best” suit was, typically, his “only” suit. He wore it to church on Sundays, to weddings, and funerals. Sometimes for years. When it got to be too threadbare in the seat, knees and elbows, Grandmother would cut it down to make pants or jackets for boys, or a good winter coat for a daughter. The worn scraps became quilt squares, or filling for pillows.
Being creative with what you’ve got is one of the many ways to stretch your budget in lean times. Don’t have yeast to make raised bread? Make muffins, biscuits, chapattis or tortillas. Don’t have nonstick spray? Use a bit of oil on your fingers. I have been known, in our leaner financial years, to undo the end of a vacuum cleaner bag, empty the bag, and reroll it, stapling it shut. When the $10 it costs to buy new vacuum cleaner bags is an issue, it doesn’t mean you can’t vacuum.
Look around your home for items that can serve multiple purposes, and always, always, always consider a new purchase before making it. Is there something you already have that can do the job, or can you purchase the needed item used? Not only will this save you money (that you may well not have), it also cuts back a little bit on what we’re throwing into landfills.

...Or do without!
This is both advice and a warning from those wise women of past generations. If you don’t adhere to the first three, you will probably end up doing without things that you might otherwise be able to have due to your thrift. If also means “do without” as a piece of very wise advice. Look around your home, what are you stressing over losing? Or what are you struggling to afford that you could do without? A second vehicle? That vacation to a sunny southern resort? How about that new set of skis you wanted, or a cell phone? There are so many places to save money, things that people have come to expect as the “norm” that our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, who raised families during the Depression with little or nothing, would laugh at us for worrying over.
I’m not saying we all need to live without everything that gives pleasure or lightens our load. However, it would do many of us a great deal of good to be a little wiser and consider what it is we really need to be happy and comfortable in our homes. It may serve us well in the future to have a financial nest egg, rather than a new carpet, or to invest in practical resources, rather than a new car.
Lastly, in his book  How to Survive Without A Salary, author Charles Long gives one of the best pieces of advice for “conserver” thrift I’ve ever heard:  don’t look at what you think you need, look at the problem you’re trying to solve, and get creative about solving it with less financial output. Essentially, think outside the box. The problem may not be “I need a new car,” the problem may be, “I need transportation to and from work. A new car is one solution, but perhaps not the only solution, or the most viable solution available to you, if you get creative and recognize that throwing money at a problem isn’t always the only way of solving it.
As a society, we’ve become used to buying solutions, or buying what the marketing gurus tell us is the solution. Our grandparents were geniuses at stepping back from a problem, and finding a way through with little or no financial output. Perhaps it’s time for us to relearn that particular skill.

The Wonders of Coconut Oil

Reclaiming Saturated Fat

Poor Gilligan. All he had to eat on that island was coconuts; think of all that saturated fat! Surely Skipper would have had a heart attack from eating so much of it—but he didn’t. In fact, if they knew how good coconut oil was for their health, they would have given up trying to get rescued.

Coconuts and especially coconut oil have been given an unfair rap over the years. The trouble started more than 4 decades ago when animal tests showed that coconut oil raised levels of LDL cholesterol (the bad kind); but these tests used hydrogenated coconut oil, not virgin coconut oil.

Hydrogenated oil is made by forcing hydrogen gas into oil at high pressure. In the 1990’s, it was realized that this process created products with negative health effects, a tragic irony since they were originally produced and promoted as being healthier than conventional oils. Virgin coconut oil is extracted without chemicals or heat, which makes all the difference. Some retailers and manufacturers of virgin coconut oils call their product “extra” virgin, but there is no official classification or difference between virgin and extra virgin coconut oil as there is in the olive oil industry. The two oils are completely different in fatty acid composition, harvesting procedures, and terminology.

Coconut oil is comprised of medium-chain fatty acids. These fatty acids are smaller than long-chain fatty acids, so they are more easily digested, and they are converted to energy instead of being stored as fat. A study in 2009 found that dietetic supplementation with coconut oil can even help reduce abdominal fat. This type of antiviral, antimicrobial fat (42% to 57% lauric acid) is also found in human breast milk and can boost metabolism and weight loss. In a coconut oil research paper written for the Hallelujah Acres Foundation, Research Director Dr. Michael Donaldson notes, “There are only a very few good sources of lauric acid in nature—coconut oil (44-49%), palm kernel oil (47%), and breast milk, (4-10%, depending on diet). The lauric acid in breast milk, and the monolaurin formed in the baby’s stomach, helps protect the baby from disease. This protection can be increased if the mother consumes coconut oil.”

The truth is that the saturated fat in coconut oil does not cause clogged arteries; in fact, it actually promotes blood platelet function. In contrast, some polyunsaturates (omega 6) are the fats that studies have repeatedly shown to have a strong correlation with cancer and heart disease.

Does this mean that saturated fat is good? Yes and no. If speaking solely of coconut oil, then yes—the medium-chain, saturated fat in coconut oil is truly in a class by itself. It is stable, doesn’t go rancid, and works well for cooking. Animal-source saturated fats on the other hand are long-chain fatty acids, making them less desirable for optimal health.

Perhaps the most noteworthy characteristics of coconut oil are its antimicrobial, antifungal, and antitumor effects, which have been shown to strengthen the immune system. This is due to its lauric acid content (mentioned above) which disrupts the lipid membranes of offending organisms, giving the immune system the upper hand. A study completed in 2008 by the American College of Chest Physicians showed that children with pneumonia who were given coconut oil in addition to ampicillin (an antibiotic) were able to normalize their respiratory rate sooner than those who relied solely on the antibiotic. So powerful is coconut oil’s immune boosting ability that AIDS patients have used it to successfully control their disease in combination with Naltrexone (a drug used primarily in the management of alcohol dependence), ginger root, and garlic. Using this concoction, one patient reduced his viral load of 50,000 to nondetectable levels in just 5 weeks.

You may have to read this article several times to reverse your thinking about the saturated fat in coconuts, but the truth is that saturated fat does not cause health deterioration. So, ignore the fat free hype and take the next 60 days to reclaim your health using fats that are extracted naturally, using as little processing and/or heat as possible (cold pressed, unrefined), especially coconut oil—the medium-chain saturated fat superstar.
~Taken from Hallellujah Acres magazine publication~

Thursday, November 11, 2010

November Newsletter


November, 2010 issue

He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herbs for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth...

From The Herb Patch

Howdy Folks!!  Once again it’s time for a new “Newsletter”.  Thought you might want to know that fall is my favorite season of all, besides spring, of course. Anyway, I love the weather getting cooler at night and the leaves falling to the ground in such beautiful colors of yellow, red, and sometimes “brown”.  There is a special smell here when the leaves lay on the ground for a while.  When the weather permits, the fall colors are just gorgeous.  Today I drove to the nearby city of Lynchburg and greatly enjoyed the fall scenery.  Just the other day I decided to lay a blanket outside and lay down on the ground under some trees and just rest outside.

But, you say what has that got to do with plantain?  Well, fall time just happens to be the best month for this herb, because it grows so much lusher as long as it is not mown down by the lawn mower.  Our property has plantain growing in the far back corner where our garden is.  If left alone, it is quite lush and beautiful.  But, my husband has a terrible time allowing these “weeds” to grow so that I can get some very good specimens to dry for medicinal purposes. Right now, due to it being fall and we are trying not to cut the grass again, especially since we will have a heavy frost this month, the plantain is flourishing.  I will need to get out back and (with my scissors) cut as much of the leaves as I can.  Then I will bring then inside to dry.  Of course, one of the best times to do this is after a good rain so that the leaves have been cleaned naturally. If possible, allow the leaves to dry first, before cutting them.  Then, I bring them inside and carefully sort through them to make sure they are clean and not gritty.  I then lay them somewhere it is warm and dry, not humid.  Paper towels or some type of plain paper is good to lay them on.

So what’s so great about plantain?  Plantain (Plantago major) is not the edible crop and member of the Banana family.  It certainly doesn’t look anything like a banana!  Its dark green, four-to six-inch leaves form a tight rosette low to the ground.  A flower spike eight to twelve inches tall and covered in tiny yellow-brown flowers emerges from the rosette’s center.  Throughout most of the country, plantain is considered an obnoxious weed.  Originally a European and Asian native, it prefers disturbed soils, pastures, and grasslands—such as your lawn.

Count yourself lucky if your landscape contains this useful plant.  “Rodale’s Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs” suggests crushing the leaves and applying them to bee stings for soothing relief.  James A. Duke’s book “The Green Pharmacy” recommends applying juice from the leaves to relieve minor burns, poison ivy rashes, sunburn, and dandruff.  Soothing properties are attributed to the allantoin content and this is why a number of herbal salves include plantain as an ingredient.  And so it is one of the ingredients in my Me Me’s Butt Salve!

Another great herb in my butt salve is Echinacea or Purple Coneflower.
As a garden plant, it is widely available from nursery and seed sources.  The seeds germinate readily, and this species can be propagated by dividing the roots.  It does well in any well-drained garden soil, will tolerate up to 50 percent shade, and is remarkably drought-resistant.
Based on extensive research in Germany over the past fifty years, extracts, tinctures, ointments, salves, and other preparations of this flower are used as nonspecific stimulants to the immune system.  Echinacea acts by stimulating the body’s own defense systems, such as white blood cells, against certain viral and bacterial invaders.  Now it has become part of the modern American lexicon—most people are aware of the use of Echinacea to prevent or treat cold and flu symptoms.  Echinacea can also be used for sore throats, canker sores, minor infections, hard-to-heal sores, and other ailments.

As I stated in my last (October) newsletter, last year I decided to make a salve using the calendula and marigold flower and this salve turned out to be the best thing going for babies who had diaper rash and actually became inflamed or “chafed” from diapers or maybe too much juice (acid drink).  At first I thought to name this product Calendula/Marigold Salve, but I kept asking the Lord to give me a good name.  I know it is hard to believe that He told me to call it Me Me’s Butt Salve—just what everybody was calling it anyway.  Knowing how offended people get at something like this, I had to pray more about it.  So, I will stick with the name.  The Lord definitely has a sense of humor!
Now for a look at Me Me’s Butt Salve and a testimonial from my daughter Beth who featured it on her Blog!

Monday, October 18, 2010

MeMe's Butt Salve

This stuff is great. My mom jokingly named it Me Me's Butt Salve because we originally tried it for diaper rash. It works great! My cousin uses it (she baby-sits) and loves it, too. It is really an all purpose cream....we have used it on Todd's burn scars (old injuries), rash breakouts, skin breakages...you name it, we've slathered it on.
It contains:  marigold—heals wounds, burns, and abrasions; Echinacea—powerful  antibiotic; plantain—an all around first aid herb, in a base of: vitamin E oil, olive oil, coconut oil, and beeswax.

It is $12 for a 4 oz. can....you can email my mom at alice_forwork55@yahoo.com.

**A note on this.  You really don’t have to slather the new salve on because I made it more concentrated and it doesn’t take as much.  It goes on very smoothly.

Last year I decided to try and make a natural immune tincture for my grandchildren.  I studied Dr. Schultz’s information on his children’s immune formula as well as reading behind those who had created their own medicine.  After much research, I formulated what I call Children’s Immunity Plus, which contains Echinacea, wild cherry bark, dried lemon peel, elderberry extract, and anise seed in a base of vegetable glycerine and maple syrup for a great tasting children’s immune formula.  More on this next month...

November just happens to be the month for my favorite holiday—Thanksgiving!  I always look forward to the time spent with family and friends, especially the grandchildren who like to play games.  My daughter Beth just happens to be the best “pie maker” I’ve ever seen.  She always makes the traditional sweet potato pie and pumpkin pie, but she goes a step further and makes her own delicious pie crust.  Her food is made from scratch!  Not many women these days can boast of that.  Even I don’t make my own pie crust, but I intend to work on doing it.  All my attempts in the past did not turn out well, but I need to keep trying.  Hope you all have a nice holiday!
Visit me on my blog, “A VISIT WITH ALICE”, at www.avisitwithalice.blogspot.com