ME ME'S BUTT SALVE People years ago use to grow and make most of the beverages they drank and there are still people today who do the same. The drinking of “great tasting” herbal teas is making a come back, especially since folks are learning how harmful soft drinks are and all the artificial drinks on the market. It is especially pleasant to get together and have a tea party with children and “older children” alike. It can be a lot of fun and it is an excellent way to teach young people something entirely different than what they have been used to. There is something better out there!
Making Herbal Teas
October, 2010 issue
He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herbs for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth...
In the September issue of the Herbs and Heirlooms Newsletter, I talked about finding simple cures for many illnesses right out in your back yard or on the side of the road or street in which you live. I realized after recently reading back over that newsletter that I really didn’t go into detail about the Super Immune Tonic as I had stated I would. So in this issue, I’d like to talk more about how I came across the information to use as a base for my Super Immune Tonic. Dr. Richard Schultz who was a student of Dr. John R. Christopher many years ago, became very involved in the field of using plants to heal incurable diseases. After being terribly ill himself, suffering from acute heart trouble, he began using the teachings he learned from Dr. Christopher instead of the surgeons who wanted to operate. Even then he was not assured he would live or die. Of course, after using alternative methods, he was healed and went on to have his own medical practice. Later, he became a highly sought after herbalist and was interviewed by Sam Biser who devoted his time to writing and producing information for people who were deathly sick and wanted to heal themselves instead of turning to the physicians for help.
For many years Richard Schultz has been selling his products in which my family and I have had the chance to use as well as reap great benefits from. So instead of buying and using his products which are pretty expensive, I decided to start making my own from which is what Sam Biser had intended from the start when he wrote his books. After making and using the recipe for the immune tonic mentioned in Sam Biser’s book and comparing it to the ingredients in Dr. Richard Schultz’s formula, I decided to try my creation out on my family and they have told me that it is more potent than what Dr. Schultz makes and sells.
Super Immune Tonic is Dr. Christopher’s original creation. I listed the ingredients in my last issue. The tonic itself is actually a liquid that is extracted from the blended herbs after it has been allowed to sit and be shaken at least twice a day for a two week period. Usually, it is started on the new moon and left until the full moon in order to have more pulling action of the vinegar from the herbs. This is something the “old time” people used to always do when making their medicine. There is initially a bit of work to making this tonic, but the benefits are great!
Well enough about that...
By all of my grandchildren I am known as Me-Me instead of grandma. I started this about 15 years ago after my first grandchild was born mainly due to there being an extended family of grandmas. I really liked being called Me-Me instead of grandma and so it just stuck! I realize they still call me grandma sometimes, but usually it is Me-Me. Everybody knows who they are referring to when they say this name. I like that! It makes me feel special and I find that I really need that in my life.
I have been reading and studying about herbs for a long time now. I started getting interested in plants, gardening, herbs, and flowers when my two oldest children were about 10 and 12 years old. I had very little help because my husband absolutely hated gardening and anything to do with it. So I have had a struggle all these years trying to coerce him into helping me start a garden or eventually I would just plain out do it myself. I have learned to do just about anything in the garden due to this fact of having no help. But, one downside to this is that I had a lower back injury while shoveling manure into a compost heap about 15 years ago, and because of this I have had times of extreme pain and immobility. As a matter of fact, it has been the recent cause of me not being able to get some of the work done with my herbal remedies that I had intended.
You say, what does this have to do with “butt salve”?
I am actually sitting in my chair writing this and laughing hysterically! The only thing it could have to do with butt salves is that I decided to give you a run down on how I got into all this “making remedies”. I have in the past years had a few ailments due to abusing my body in my youthful days by smoking cigarettes, drinking colas, and just plain out not eating the right foods that were meant to keep my body healthy. So now I am still paying the price even though I have had a lifestyle change for years. I smoked as a teenager and didn’t quit until my early twenties and that was due to health problems as well as being under deep conviction because of the Lord. But, back to the salve...
I have found that there are quite a few flowers and plants that are very healing to the skin. One of them is a flower called calendula or “pot marigold”. It is a little like the regular marigolds most people plant and it is in the same family, but it looks a little different. I did not know for a long time that marigolds (any kind) have medicinal value. Once I looked into this and started seeing many lotions, creams, and salves in health food stores that were made from calendula and marigolds, I realized that this flower has great healing properties. Also, last year I decided to make a salve using the calendula and marigold flower and this salve turned out to be the best thing going for babies who had diaper rash and actually became inflamed or “chafed” from diapers or maybe too much juice (acid drink). I got to see this in action when I spent some time with my new baby grandson who was teething and had an almost bleeding bottom. My daughter applied the salve and just about overnight it got lots better and in the next couple of days it was completely healed. Boy was I glad! I have had others who made the same statements. So I started finding out how to make this salve even better and the last few weeks I have come up with a salve in the making that also contains some other very important healers and that are known for their antibacterial qualities and are also used by other herbalist that know their quality for healing. These two herbs are Echinacea (which is a flower, also known as purple coneflower) and the other is an herb called plantain which grows just about everywhere.
As I stated above, I am in the process of making this salve and it will be a great product! As soon as it is finished I will let you all know. I will try to have this product featured in the November newsletter, the Lord willing.
The Lord’s way is always better!!!
The infusion method is best for delicate parts of a plant, leaves, and flowers. When you make tea from a teabag, you're making an infusion. Use 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of dried herb per cup of water. Cover and let steep for 5 to 20 minutes, strain, and drink. larger amounts of herb and longer steeping times make stronger teas.
Sleep Tea
Insomnia and anxiety are little match for thes soporific herbs. For daytime use--say, when you just need some chill time--increase the lemon balm and reduce the skullcap. Infuse 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of herb blend per cup for 15 minutes.
1 part lemon balm
1 part passionflower
1 part skullcap
1 part spearmint
Digestive Relaxer
These herbs make a great combo for the tummy. Infuse 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon per cup for 5 minutes.
1 part peppermint
1 part chamomile
Emphasis on "older children". Ha.