This information was taken from my daughter Beth's blog that she wrote this past winter and I think it is worth using here on my blog. Sometimes I like using the things that Beth has written because they are very down to earth and informative, and down right funny at times. Enjoy!

What do they do? They run to the doctor for an antibiotic. Antibiotics are useless against a virus. And yet....parents are so scared and the medical establishment plays on that fear by selling more vaccines (toxic garbage) and scribbling out prescriptions for medication.
What's worse about antibiotics? They not only kill the bad bacteria in your gut, they kill the good bacteria, too. This creates so many problems, because our bodies have many friendly bacteria that we need for proper metabolic functions. This is the reason that alot of people have digestive problems, constipation, yeast and fungal infections after taking a round of antibiotics. Our bodies also become immune to these antibiotics over time and then dangerous resistant strains of bacteria can be created in our bodies. This is the problem we have now, with the superbugs that are becoming more and more common.
{An effective broad-spectrum antibiotic is garlic. Garlic is an anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial agent. It is totally selective in its bacteria destruction, killing only the harmful bacteria in your body. At the same time, it actually enhances your friendly bacteria and improves your intestinal flora and digestion. It is a powerful fighter. Garlic contains something called allicin, which is formed when you break garlic down by crushing or cutting it. Garlic has liquid cells and fibrous cells and when you cut or chew it, the enzyme allinase reacts to the alliin, both natural chemicals in garlic, and converts the alliin into allicin. This allicin is the anti-EVERYTHING in garlic, and the ODOR of garlic.
The ODOR of garlic is most people's problem with eating and taking garlic. (Odorless garlic doesn't have the same properties as fresh garlic) I honestly have no idea how to deal with that problem, except to eat garlic moderately on a regular basis. I cook with it, crush it and use it all the time. None of us smell like garlic. My dad, who EATS it like candy, does smell faintly "garlicky". My mentality is that I would rather figure out a way to mask the smell than to be sick. }
If your system has been overtaxed by anitibotics (you or your kids), the best thing to do is to start building good bacteria in your stomach. You need to take a couple of rounds of probiotics (such as Beeyoutiful's Tummy Tuneup) or make a batch of Kefir, a cheap natural probiotic that I have talked about before. These probiotics will go far in reducing your chances of catching bugs, especially stomach bugs.
*Fast Flu Fact*
A few decades ago, less than 20,000 people a year died from the flu. Last year, it was over 40,000!
The flu vaccine really works, doesn't it? Dr. J. Anthony Morris (former Chief Vaccine Contol Officer at the FDA) said, "There is no evidence that any influenza vaccine thus far developed is effective in preventing or mitigating any attack of influenza. The producers of these vaccines know that they are worthless, but they go on selling them anyway."
{This is an excerpt from Dr. Richard Schulze's ( book, Colds and Flu. It disturbed me.}There are a growing number of scientists and researchers that now believe that the entire polio epidemic was caused by foolish, ignorant, and greedy medical doctors cutting out the tonsils of young children all across America.
In the 1920's, 30's, and 40's medical doctors went on a huge campaign to remove children's tonsils. They even created family plans where you could bring all of your children into the doctor and have all of their tonsils removed, whether they were sick or not, and do it for a special money-saving price. By doing this, medical doctors cut out and removed the body's only immune defensive organ against polio in millions of children. Soon after this massive tonsillectomy campaign, in the 40's and 50's, America was ravaged by a polio epidemic, now thought to have been directly caused by this medical tonsillectomy campaign folly.
It gets worse. By the 1950's, medical doctors and the press had frightened every parent and every child in America, and the fear was POLIO. Sounds like the Swine Flu "pandemic" scare, doesn't it? Then in 1955, the medical organizations, medical doctors and hospitals launched one of their largest and most financially lucrative campaigns ever, the supposed miracle polio vaccine. 300 million doses were forced on American children. It was made from infected, rotten animal pus, from monkey kidneys and other animals that were infected with poliomyelitis, and then killed. I am not even going to mention the other toxic ingredients here, but use your imagination, it was the 1950's.
This polio vaccine looked safe, using the best microscopes, tools, and tests we had to examine it with, in the 1950's. But two decades later, in the 1970's, scientists again examined the polio vaccine, with more modern microscopes and tests that could look deeper and see more accurately, and the same Salk Polio Vaccine that medical doctors claimed was safe, that we gave to 300 million children in America (myself included) was IMMEDIATELY BANNED) It was found to be contaminated with approximately 150 other live viruses. Just one of these contaminants is the SV-40 virus.
In the beginning, in the 1950's, it was actually known that the Salk Vaccine was contaminated with the SV-40 virus. Both the Sabin vaccine (the "live virus" oral vaccine) and the Salk Vaccine (the "killed virus" injectable vaccine) were known to be contaminated. But, extremely toxic and poisonous formaldehyde (embalming fluid) was added into the vaccine to deactivate and kill the SV-40 virus in the Salk vaccine. It was later discovered that this did NOT kill the SV-40 virus. Consequently, everyone that received the famous supposedly life-saving Salk vaccine also received a dose of LIVE Monkey Kidney Pus SV-40 virus.
SV-40 is a Monkey Virus, also found in humans. It is well documented to cause tumor growth in the human body. It is suspected that it has been one of the contributing factors in the dramatic increase in the cancer rate over the past 50 years and linked to many cancers from sarcomas to malignant mesothelioma.
Worse, recently at the Vaccine Cell Substrate Conference, it was released that even after we banned this vaccine it was still sold and used in the millions of former Soviet bloc countries and also in China, Japan, and Africa, and up to and possibly beyond 1980. Literally hundreds of millions of people are now known to have been exposed to this SV-40 Virus.
So, the SV-40 Monkey Virus was mistakenly injected into hundreds of millions. Also the World Health Organization's forced Smallpox Eradication Inoculation Program, well, it was also found to be contaminated "monkey" vaccine. Together, both of these vaccines have been used extensively in the Third World and both of these vaccines have also been linked to the cause of the spread of AIDS in Africa and many other Third World countries.
From tonsillectomies, to polio, to cancer, to AIDS, we will never know the truth behind this monstrous medical scandal, nor the impact and death toll brought on by this folly of medical doctors, pharmaceutical companies, and government health organizations. And we will be dealing the diseases and death for centuries. An old "Nature Cure" doctor once said to me, "It is a good idea to never break the seal of the body (skin) with a needle and inject any man-made virus.
In the 1920's, 30's, and 40's medical doctors went on a huge campaign to remove children's tonsils. They even created family plans where you could bring all of your children into the doctor and have all of their tonsils removed, whether they were sick or not, and do it for a special money-saving price. By doing this, medical doctors cut out and removed the body's only immune defensive organ against polio in millions of children. Soon after this massive tonsillectomy campaign, in the 40's and 50's, America was ravaged by a polio epidemic, now thought to have been directly caused by this medical tonsillectomy campaign folly.
It gets worse. By the 1950's, medical doctors and the press had frightened every parent and every child in America, and the fear was POLIO. Sounds like the Swine Flu "pandemic" scare, doesn't it? Then in 1955, the medical organizations, medical doctors and hospitals launched one of their largest and most financially lucrative campaigns ever, the supposed miracle polio vaccine. 300 million doses were forced on American children. It was made from infected, rotten animal pus, from monkey kidneys and other animals that were infected with poliomyelitis, and then killed. I am not even going to mention the other toxic ingredients here, but use your imagination, it was the 1950's.
This polio vaccine looked safe, using the best microscopes, tools, and tests we had to examine it with, in the 1950's. But two decades later, in the 1970's, scientists again examined the polio vaccine, with more modern microscopes and tests that could look deeper and see more accurately, and the same Salk Polio Vaccine that medical doctors claimed was safe, that we gave to 300 million children in America (myself included) was IMMEDIATELY BANNED) It was found to be contaminated with approximately 150 other live viruses. Just one of these contaminants is the SV-40 virus.
In the beginning, in the 1950's, it was actually known that the Salk Vaccine was contaminated with the SV-40 virus. Both the Sabin vaccine (the "live virus" oral vaccine) and the Salk Vaccine (the "killed virus" injectable vaccine) were known to be contaminated. But, extremely toxic and poisonous formaldehyde (embalming fluid) was added into the vaccine to deactivate and kill the SV-40 virus in the Salk vaccine. It was later discovered that this did NOT kill the SV-40 virus. Consequently, everyone that received the famous supposedly life-saving Salk vaccine also received a dose of LIVE Monkey Kidney Pus SV-40 virus.
SV-40 is a Monkey Virus, also found in humans. It is well documented to cause tumor growth in the human body. It is suspected that it has been one of the contributing factors in the dramatic increase in the cancer rate over the past 50 years and linked to many cancers from sarcomas to malignant mesothelioma.
Worse, recently at the Vaccine Cell Substrate Conference, it was released that even after we banned this vaccine it was still sold and used in the millions of former Soviet bloc countries and also in China, Japan, and Africa, and up to and possibly beyond 1980. Literally hundreds of millions of people are now known to have been exposed to this SV-40 Virus.
So, the SV-40 Monkey Virus was mistakenly injected into hundreds of millions. Also the World Health Organization's forced Smallpox Eradication Inoculation Program, well, it was also found to be contaminated "monkey" vaccine. Together, both of these vaccines have been used extensively in the Third World and both of these vaccines have also been linked to the cause of the spread of AIDS in Africa and many other Third World countries.
From tonsillectomies, to polio, to cancer, to AIDS, we will never know the truth behind this monstrous medical scandal, nor the impact and death toll brought on by this folly of medical doctors, pharmaceutical companies, and government health organizations. And we will be dealing the diseases and death for centuries. An old "Nature Cure" doctor once said to me, "It is a good idea to never break the seal of the body (skin) with a needle and inject any man-made virus.
More from Beth....
I had actually started this blog with the intent to talk about all kinds of things that would be deemed 'politically incorrect'. But as time has passed, the more I read, the more I realize how corrupt government is, and how crooked man has gotten. There is very little that can be done to correct it. I'm sure if all the Christians got together, fasted and prayed to God, it might help. But really, what Christians will do that? Bible believing Christians have gotten so worldly that they don't want to give God much time.
So...I haven't written much about the political, the conspiracy theories that run rampant, or the economy. I guess I will stick with how life affects YOU. Health, your spiritual walk with Christ, and everyday life/homeschooling.
Here are some things I know (and I'm not even Oprah!):
-Disease/sickness is vastly increasing, and will only get worse the further man gets away from being in control of his own food, and the further he gets away from God. Sickness and death is a result of sin.
-Famine is coming. Already the food shortages are being talked about. History has taught us OVER AND OVER that we will have another famine. I have heard/read so much about how grocery stores will be stocking less in 2011, grain is drastically going up, etc. to know SOMETHING is going on. Be afraid? NO. Be prepared. Be Joseph who stored up grain during the 7 years of plenty to have during the 7 years of famine.
-Something is in the air...and it's not air freshener. It is chemicals that are being sprayed, and over time they kill your immune system. Fight back. Boost your immune system. The chemicals that are drifting down over our land is conditioning the soil. Do a research on Monsanto if you think this sounds unbelievably crazy. (Yes, I know it sounds mental...I thought so, too, until I did research on it)
-The government DOES NOT have your best interest at heart. Just because they know how to talk pretty does not mean that they are not lies.
-Life can be wonderful in its own do right and keep God's commandments. In some of the worst times in history, joy has come. Understand that without Christ, you have no hope. Even the worst skeptic will eventually ask the question, "Why am I here? What purpose do I have?" You are here for God's pleasure....act like it.
-You need to shelter your children as much as possible. This is so hard. It is a constant battlefield. Good luck.
-In order to fight in a spiritual war, you need the right kind of armor and weapon. New versions that take away the deity of Christ(all of them), tell you that the Mark will be ON your skin instead of IN your body, and pull us all together in ecumenical unity is like going into war with a nerf sword. The only true armor that will sustain you through bloodshed, pain, turmoil, and what is coming is the inspired Authorized King James Bible. If you don't believe me, pick it up (blow off the dust or actually buy one), read it for a couple of days, REALLY READ IT WITHOUT COMMENTARIES OR ANYONE ELSE TELLING YOU WHAT TO BELIEVE, and then talk to me. It is hard looking in a mirror that shows all of your sins/faults. This fluffy, puffy Christianity that is so popular today will get you killed in the war that is coming, when demonic activity will increase greatly ("aliens", mental disorders, pokemon and avatars, etc.), and tribulation (God's wrath) comes.
-Sodomy is rampant. For those of you that think that their lifestyle is more research. Scripture calls it an abomination and punishable by death (new versions omit). When sodomites are allowed free reign, they don't live peaceably. They dominate and want to bring you into their sin. In the past I have had sodomite friends who I thought the world of, and 'it' always comes up. If you mention scripture, it burns them up. For the record, we didn't hang around for long, because the spirit of Christ that resides in me wars with the spirit of their father that resides in them.
-Muslims are becoming a real problem. A very real, very bad problem. If they were all peaceable...great. But they are not. And we are 'politically correct'ing ourselves out of the small measure of freedom we have. Look at France and England. They need to be saved, yes, but they multiply like rabbits. Good luck with it.
-Focus your energy on winning souls. If you don't know what I'm talking about, find out. You can email me and I will tell you. Time is short. So short, the way Biblical prophesy is rolling on. Everything is lining up. It is time to realize that perhaps the Bible has been telling the truth. Especially since everything it predicts comes true.
-The world is NOT going to end. After the Lord comes back, he will rule on this earth (that will look different after the tribulation) for 1,000 years. Then, he will burn it with fire and make a new heaven and a new earth. Don't waste your energy on saving the earth. The earth is the Lord's...he doesn't need you to 'save' it.
Isn't it exciting? We are living prophecy.
So...I haven't written much about the political, the conspiracy theories that run rampant, or the economy. I guess I will stick with how life affects YOU. Health, your spiritual walk with Christ, and everyday life/homeschooling.
Here are some things I know (and I'm not even Oprah!):
-Disease/sickness is vastly increasing, and will only get worse the further man gets away from being in control of his own food, and the further he gets away from God. Sickness and death is a result of sin.
-Famine is coming. Already the food shortages are being talked about. History has taught us OVER AND OVER that we will have another famine. I have heard/read so much about how grocery stores will be stocking less in 2011, grain is drastically going up, etc. to know SOMETHING is going on. Be afraid? NO. Be prepared. Be Joseph who stored up grain during the 7 years of plenty to have during the 7 years of famine.
-Something is in the air...and it's not air freshener. It is chemicals that are being sprayed, and over time they kill your immune system. Fight back. Boost your immune system. The chemicals that are drifting down over our land is conditioning the soil. Do a research on Monsanto if you think this sounds unbelievably crazy. (Yes, I know it sounds mental...I thought so, too, until I did research on it)
-The government DOES NOT have your best interest at heart. Just because they know how to talk pretty does not mean that they are not lies.
-Life can be wonderful in its own do right and keep God's commandments. In some of the worst times in history, joy has come. Understand that without Christ, you have no hope. Even the worst skeptic will eventually ask the question, "Why am I here? What purpose do I have?" You are here for God's pleasure....act like it.
-You need to shelter your children as much as possible. This is so hard. It is a constant battlefield. Good luck.
-In order to fight in a spiritual war, you need the right kind of armor and weapon. New versions that take away the deity of Christ(all of them), tell you that the Mark will be ON your skin instead of IN your body, and pull us all together in ecumenical unity is like going into war with a nerf sword. The only true armor that will sustain you through bloodshed, pain, turmoil, and what is coming is the inspired Authorized King James Bible. If you don't believe me, pick it up (blow off the dust or actually buy one), read it for a couple of days, REALLY READ IT WITHOUT COMMENTARIES OR ANYONE ELSE TELLING YOU WHAT TO BELIEVE, and then talk to me. It is hard looking in a mirror that shows all of your sins/faults. This fluffy, puffy Christianity that is so popular today will get you killed in the war that is coming, when demonic activity will increase greatly ("aliens", mental disorders, pokemon and avatars, etc.), and tribulation (God's wrath) comes.
-Sodomy is rampant. For those of you that think that their lifestyle is more research. Scripture calls it an abomination and punishable by death (new versions omit). When sodomites are allowed free reign, they don't live peaceably. They dominate and want to bring you into their sin. In the past I have had sodomite friends who I thought the world of, and 'it' always comes up. If you mention scripture, it burns them up. For the record, we didn't hang around for long, because the spirit of Christ that resides in me wars with the spirit of their father that resides in them.
-Muslims are becoming a real problem. A very real, very bad problem. If they were all peaceable...great. But they are not. And we are 'politically correct'ing ourselves out of the small measure of freedom we have. Look at France and England. They need to be saved, yes, but they multiply like rabbits. Good luck with it.
-Focus your energy on winning souls. If you don't know what I'm talking about, find out. You can email me and I will tell you. Time is short. So short, the way Biblical prophesy is rolling on. Everything is lining up. It is time to realize that perhaps the Bible has been telling the truth. Especially since everything it predicts comes true.
-The world is NOT going to end. After the Lord comes back, he will rule on this earth (that will look different after the tribulation) for 1,000 years. Then, he will burn it with fire and make a new heaven and a new earth. Don't waste your energy on saving the earth. The earth is the Lord's...he doesn't need you to 'save' it.
Isn't it exciting? We are living prophecy.

5 1/2 lbs. apples, peeled, and finely chopped (of course you don't use the seeds-you take the core out)
4 c. sugar-I used white and brown mixed, but you can just use white
2 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 tsp. cloves
1/4 tsp. salt
Place all of these ingredients in your crockpot and mix well. Cook on high for 1 hour, then reduce to low for 9-11 hours (I did right at 10). The apples will be thick and dark brown. Uncover and cook on low for 1 hour. I used a wooden spoon to chop down the apples as they cooked and after they were done I blended the chunks to smooth it out. After blending, it was smooth and creamy...and delicious. I canned the apple butter the next day by heating up the mixture until right at boiling, and pouring the apple butter into jars and letting the heat seal the tops.
*A note from Alice (mama)
It is a good idea to process these jars in a boiling water bath filled with water a little over the top of the jars, for about 10 minutes.
Wolves In Sheep's Clothing
The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever. ~Psalms 12:6-7, KJV
And the words of the Lord are flawless, like silver refined in a furnace of clay, purified seven times. O Lord, you will keep us safe and protect us from such people forever. ~Psalms 12:6-7, NIV
Same verse....seemingly harmless changes. Notice how this perversion of scripture changes 'them' to 'us', and 'this generation' to 'such people'. The consistent testimony of history condemns this rendering as preposterous. This reading was released LESS THAN one generation after 6 million descendants of David's were murdered by Hitler (the 'us' of verse 7). When the mob cried out to Pilate, "His blood be on us, and on our children", a new period of heartache was ushered in where Jewish people would be anything but "safe" and "protected". From a numerical standpoint, the Jews have only known holocaust and genocide for two thousand of the three thousand since the 12th Psalm was written. Their added cry, "We have no king but Caesar", made sure that their antagonists would be "Romans", as in Roman Catholics-Hitler, Mussolini, Himmler, Goebbels, Goring, Eichmann, and so on.
Who is lying? God or the NIV translators?
Over the last several years, I've come across several great websites that I use in getting information. It's actually a little ironic, because if you had told me 10 years ago that I would be so addicted to information, I would have laughed. I think I was pretty cynical and lackadaisical in my approach to the world around me. Now, all of the things that I heard 15 years ago is becoming reality. And that is just a little bit freaky. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize where all the roads are leading to. Maybe you only listen to the mainstream news media, so you might not see the noose tightening. I also understand the tactic that most people of turning their heads away from what's going on in the world around them and hoping it all goes away. The problem is, no matter how hard you try-it won't stop. God has a timetable, and nothing you or I do is going to stop it. You CAN change how you and your family are affected in what's coming by prayer.
*Five years ago, very few people had heard of the RFID chip. It is now here, and talked about in the mainstream media. Look it up on Youtube. New versions of the Bible change the mark 'in the hand' in Revelation 13:16 to 'on'.
Example: (KJV) And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive the mark IN their right hand, or IN their foreheads: and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of HIS NAME...and his number is six hundred threescore and six (666).
(NIV, Revelation 14:1)....the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who had HIS NAME AND his father's name written ON their foreheads.
Many of the readers of new versions will think the RFID chip is no problem....just because of a "little" change. The lost people will take it to get food. It will be probably be introduced slowly. People degrade over time. Ever seen people with no food? Jungle warfare, baby.
*The temple (3rd temple that has to be built in Jerusalem) wasn't too much talked about in Christian circles. Now, it's brought up quite often. According to this website, a group of Jews have everything they need to start sacrificing again. They are only missing the temple itself. We subscribe to the Jerusalem Post, and the preparations for the Temple are talked about at least every other week.
*Israel has come into the forefront of world events. Think about how tiny Israel is...why does it cause so much interest? Hmmm. Maybe because IT IS IMPORTANT. To you. To me. To everyone. After all, it will be the seat of the throne of Christ during the Millennial Reign (Coming Soon!)
*The world is more wicked than it has EVER been. (As in the days of Noe...Matthew 24:7) Rapes, murders, theft, homosexuality, bestiality, rampant pornography, abortions, etc. Honestly, I don't know how a HOLY God can sit and watch us on this earth.
*Our freedoms are slowly slipping away. There is no where else to go. America was it. There is no other refuge to escape tyranny. And whether or not you stick your head in the is a'changin'. Scanners in airports, RFID chips in trashcans to track your recycling, cameras everywhere watching, watching, watching, eye scans soon to be introduced...we are living in crazy, mixed up times. Where the creature is worshipped more than the creator. Where the courts are crooked and just as criminal as the jails. Where the jails are bursting at the seams. Where TV is more fascinating than the Bible. Where vampirism (drinking blood) is so popular. Where witchcraft is cool. And on and on.
*Muslims are becoming a very real problem. A very real, very bad problem. Sure, in the dreamworld that most Christians live in, Muslims can be won to the Lord. And yes, you should try to do so. But let's face reality. There are ALOT of them. And some of them like to blow themselves up and innocent people die. And the news media is shocked (oh, so shocked!) by a pastor wanting to burn Korans. And Paris is having a problem with Muslims praying in the street and blocking traffic, while cops watch, their hands tied. And we watch with bated breath. Because we are no longer AMERICA, home of the BRAVE-we are AMERICA, home of BIG BABIES.
Keep up. Be alert. Pray. Don't KNOW THYSELF, KNOW GOD instead.
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