Written by G. A. Riplinger
I KINGS 18:26
Who needs antique rare book dealers?
We can watch the Pittsburgh Steelers.
Forget about the hand collation
See what's on the other station.
Hooked on this hypnotic motion?
Need a better plug-in potion?
Try the keyboard key to knowledge.
Log on board computer college.
Hold the thumb key 'til you're numb
and strum the hacker's new anthem:
'The only data we will glean
will come from our computer screen!
All of us computer hacks
will never check the library stacks.
Dump the books and the archives.
They won't fit on our hard drives.
Who needs inter-library loan
with a modem on your phone?'
A carpal tunnel syndrome saint finds
real research rather quaint.
Judges 4 lists no degrees; Jael had no Ph.D.'s.
Just a bible on her knees, and a God she hoped to please.
No power of her own to boast.
No warriors waiting for a host.
But to her tent was Sisera sent
And through his head the nail went.
“The head's the spot to aim the blow,
for 'knowledge puffeth up', you know.”
Look past his power; forget her few.
See God who drove the nail through.
It creeps into our lives at birth
And makes us kindred to the earth
It grows like some destroying weed
With every wanton act and deed
It robs of virtue and of youth
And cunningly perverts the truth
It offers fruits of pleasure rare
But fills partakers with despair
It binds the strong, deceives the wise
And masquerades in keen disguise
It builds its castles all of sand
And leaves a torn and wasted land
It blinds the eye and mocks the soul
And exacts an everlasting toll
It lost its power our souls to damn
When Jesus Christ became our Lamb.
(an NIV won't work).
- Point him to Rev. 1:11 and read: “I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last”:
- Ask him, “Who is the 'first and the last'? Who is speaking?
- Every J.W. (or Jewish person even slightly versed in scripture) will say, “Jehovah,” based on Old Testament verses such as Isaiah 44:6 or 48:12 which say, “I am the first, and I am the last...” “I am he...”
- Then point him to Rev.1:18, “I am he that liveth, and was dead; and behold, I am alive for evermore.”
- Ask him, “When was Jehovah dead?”
- They then realize that Jesus Christ was “God manifest in the flesh.” (1 Tim 3:16)
- This technique has been used to lead more J.W.s to Christ than any other. It works every time.
8. Of course, NONE of this is in an NIV or a Jehovah Witness New World Translation!
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